Clean Up Memphis

March 07, 2007

Reform MLGW

It is time for serious reform of MLGW.

I propose the following reforms (Charter Commission members pay attention!):

Each MEMPHIS residential customer should be issued a share of stock. Each city council member should be able to vote a block of shares (the total number of shares for the city council not to exceed 50% of the total outstanding shares).

Each board member and the CEO recommended by the mayor must be approved by the stockholders. This can take place via a mailing as it does with public corporations.

Each year, MLGW will pay a dividend on any profit it makes that isn't applied to rate reductions. Thus Memphians will get the benefits.

MLGW will issue an annual stockholder's report.

It's time for MLGW to be run like a business rather than a political fiefdom.


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